
525 lines
18 KiB

;;; aa-query.el --- Emacs All Access -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2011-2023 The Authors
;; Author: The Authors
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'aa-defs)
(require 'url-auth)
(require 'web-server)
(when (< emacs-major-version 29)
(defun seq-keep (function sequence)
"Apply FUNCTION to SEQUENCE and return all non-nil results."
(delq nil (seq-map function sequence)))))
(defvar url-http-end-of-headers)
(defvar aa-query-prospective-spec nil
"Global variable relies on one-at-a-time installs.")
(defconst aa-query-server "")
(defconst aa-query-domain "")
(defconst aa-query-client "7li6vomknkgvomeqhj9674nlcb")
(defconst aa-query-ws-port 17973)
(defconst aa-query-redirect-url
(url-parse-make-urlobj "http" nil nil ""
aa-query-ws-port "/" nil nil t)))
(defconst aa-query-spec-url
(url-parse-make-urlobj "https" nil nil aa-query-server nil
"/spec" nil nil t)))
(defconst aa-query-subscription-url
(url-parse-make-urlobj "https" nil nil aa-query-server nil
"/subscription" nil nil t)))
(defconst aa-query-success-url
(url-parse-make-urlobj "https" nil nil aa-query-server nil
"/success.html" nil nil t)))
(defconst aa-query-cancel-url
(url-parse-make-urlobj "https" nil nil aa-query-server nil
"/cancel.html" nil nil t)))
(defconst aa-query-checkout-url
(url-parse-make-urlobj "https" nil nil aa-query-server nil
"/checkout" nil nil t)))
(defconst aa-query-hosted-ui
(let ((redirect (url-recreate-url
(url-parse-make-urlobj "https" nil nil aa-query-server
nil "/code/" nil nil t))))
(let ((query-string (url-build-query-string
`(("response_type" "code")
("client_id" ,aa-query-client)
("redirect_uri" ,redirect)))))
(url-parse-make-urlobj "https" nil nil aa-query-domain nil
(concat "/login?" query-string) nil nil t)))))
(defsubst aa-query-id-token-alist ()
(when-let ((token (aa-query-token "id_token")))
(cl-second (split-string (symbol-name token) "\\."))
:array-type 'list
:object-type 'alist)))
(defun aa-query-token (which)
(aa-defs-let-token-dir token-dir 'cognito
(let ((path (expand-file-name which token-dir)))
(aa-defs-form-from-file-contents path))))
(defmacro aa-query-squirrel (token)
"Persist value of symbol .TOKEN to a file named TOKEN."
`(aa-defs-let-token-dir token-dir 'cognito
(with-temp-file (concat (file-name-as-directory token-dir) (symbol-name ',token))
(insert ,(intern (concat "." (symbol-name token))) "\n"))))
(defmacro aa-squirrel-tokens (alist)
"Return list of tokens changed.
Side effect squirrel changed tokens to disk."
`(let (result)
(let-alist ,alist
(when .access_token
(aa-query-squirrel access_token)
(push 'access_token result))
(when .refresh_token
(aa-query-squirrel refresh_token)
(push 'refresh_token result))
(when .id_token
(aa-query-squirrel id_token)
(push 'id_token result))
(nreverse result))))
(defun aa-query-hosted-ui-flow ()
"Return t if hosted-ui => token.php => ws."
(catch 'success
'(((:POST . ".*") .
(lambda (request)
(with-slots (process headers) request
(aa-squirrel-tokens (mapcar (lambda (pair)
(cons (if (stringp (car pair))
(intern (car pair))
(car pair))
(cdr pair)))
(ws-response-header process 200 '("Content-type" . "text/plain"))
(process-send-string process "Thanks. Identity verified.\n")
(process-send-eof process)
(throw 'success t)))))
(browse-url aa-query-hosted-ui)
(message "Blocking on browser login... C-g to abort")
(cl-loop repeat 210 ; 3.5 minutes to complete login
do (accept-process-output nil 1)
finally return nil))
(defun aa-query--session ()
"Return alist of checkout session from shmelpa."
(let* (url-registered-auth-schemes
(id-token (aa-query-token "id_token"))
(url-request-method "POST")
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Content-Type" .
;; Dummy authorization so that
;; `url-http-handle-authentication'
;; doesn't keep trying.
("Authorization" .
(url-request-data (url-build-query-string
`(("id_token" ,id-token)))))
(let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously aa-query-checkout-url)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
(let ((status (buffer-local-value 'url-http-response-status buffer))
(decoded (condition-case nil
(json-parse-buffer :false-object nil
:null-object nil
:array-type 'list
:object-type 'alist)
(json-end-of-file (error "aa-query--session: server error")))))
(prog1 decoded
(unless (eq 200 status)
(error "aa-query--session: http status %s" status)))))
(when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(kill-buffer buffer))))))
(defun aa-query-checkout-flow (url)
"Return t if => {success,cancel}.html => ws."
(catch 'success
'(((:POST . ".*") .
(lambda (request)
(with-slots (process headers) request
process 303
`("Location" . ,(if (assoc-default "success" headers)
(process-send-eof process)
(throw 'success (assoc-default "success" headers))))))
(browse-url url)
(message "Blocking on checkout... C-g to abort")
(cl-loop repeat 210 ; 3.5 minutes to complete checkout
do (accept-process-output nil 1)
finally return nil))
(defun aa-query-update-payment-flow (url)
"Return t if => shmelpa/flow_return => ws."
(catch 'success
'(((:POST . ".*") .
(lambda (request)
(with-slots (process headers) request
(ws-response-header process 200 '("Content-type" . "text/plain"))
(process-send-string process "Thanks. Returned to emacs.\n")
(process-send-eof process)
(throw 'success (assoc-default "payment_updated" headers))))))
(browse-url url)
(message "Blocking on payment method update...C-g to abort")
(cl-loop repeat 210 ; 3.5 minutes to complete checkout
do (accept-process-output nil 1)
finally return nil))
(defmacro aa-query--align (&rest args)
(declare (indent defun))
(let* ((cars (let ((idx 0))
(seq-keep (lambda (x) (prog1 (when (zerop (% idx 2)) x)
(cl-incf idx)))
(cdrs (let ((idx 0))
(seq-keep (lambda (x) (prog1 (unless (zerop (% idx 2)) x)
(cl-incf idx)))
(widest (cl-reduce #'max (mapcar #'length cars))))
(lambda (pair)
(cl-flet ((insert-lhs ()
(insert (make-string (1+ (- ,widest (string-width (car pair)))) ?\s)
(propertize (concat (car pair) ": ")
'font-lock-face 'font-lock-function-name-face)))
(decorate-rhs (rhs)
(if (equal "Notification" (car pair))
(insert (propertize rhs 'font-lock-face 'font-lock-string-face))
(insert rhs))))
(if (and (stringp (cdr pair)) (not (zerop (length (cdr pair)))))
(progn (insert-lhs)
(decorate-rhs (cdr pair))
(insert "\n"))
(when (functionp (cdr pair))
(let ((pt (point)))
(funcall (cdr pair))
(if (equal pt (point))
(insert "\n")))))))
(cl-map 'list #'cons (quote ,cars) (backquote ,cdrs)))))
(defun aa-query-checkout ()
(let-alist (aa-query--session)
(if .error
(user-error (format "aa-query-checkout: %s" .error))
(aa-query-checkout-flow .url))))
(defun aa-query-update-payment ()
(let-alist (aa-query--subscription :action "update")
(aa-query-update-payment-flow .url)))
(defun aa-query-cancel-subscription ()
(let-alist (aa-query--subscription :action "cancel")
(equal .status "canceled")))
(defalias 'aa-query #'aa-query-show-subscription)
(defun aa-query-show-subscription (&optional notification)
(interactive (list nil))
(if-let ((format-time (lambda (secs)
(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S %Z"
(seconds-to-time secs))))
(id-token-alist (aa-query-id-token-alist))
(subscription-alist (aa-query--subscription)))
(with-help-window "*All Access*"
(let-alist subscription-alist
"Notification" ,notification
"User" ,(alist-get 'email id-token-alist)
"Status" ,(capitalize .status)
"Canceled At" ,(when .canceled_at
(funcall format-time .canceled_at))
"Period Begin" ,(when (and (or (not .trial_end)
(< .trial_end .current_period_end))
(not (member .status '("canceled" "paused"))))
(funcall format-time .current_period_start))
"Period End" ,(when (and (or (not .trial_end)
(< .trial_end .current_period_end))
(not (member .status '("canceled" "paused"))))
(funcall format-time .current_period_end))
"Trial Begin" ,(when (and .trial_end
(>= .trial_end .current_period_end))
(funcall format-time .trial_start))
"Trial End" ,(when (and .trial_end
(>= .trial_end .current_period_end))
(funcall format-time .trial_end))
"Billing Cycle Begin" ,(unless (member .status '("canceled" "paused"))
(funcall format-time .billing_cycle_anchor))
"Billing Details" ,(unless (member .status '("canceled" "paused"))
(concat (upcase (alist-get 'currency .plan)) " "
(number-to-string (* 0.01 (alist-get 'amount .plan)))
" per "
(alist-get 'interval .plan)))
"Payment Method" ,(unless (member .status '("canceled" "paused"))
(or (when-let ((card (alist-get 'card .default_payment_method)))
(concat (capitalize (alist-get 'brand card)) " ending "
(alist-get 'last4 card)))
(when-let ((link (alist-get 'link .default_payment_method)))
(concat "Link(TM) to "(alist-get 'email link)))
(if (or (equal .status "paused")
(equal .status "canceled"))
"Not Added"
"Not Yet Added")))
"Actions" ,(lambda ()
(when (equal .status "canceled")
'action (lambda (_button)
(format "Uncancel %s"
(if (aa-query-checkout)
(insert " "))
(when (and (not (equal .status "canceled"))
'action (lambda (_button)
(format "Cancel %s"
(if (aa-query-cancel-subscription)
(insert " "))
(when (and (not (equal .status "paused"))
(not (equal .status "canceled"))
(not .default_payment_method)
(not .default_source))
"Add Card"
'action (lambda (_button)
(format "Payment update %s"
(if (aa-query-update-payment)
(insert " "))))))
(message "aa-query-show-subscription: Subscribe first.")))
(cl-defun aa-query--subscription (&key (action "get"))
"Return alist of subscription data from shmelpa."
(let* (url-registered-auth-schemes
(id-token (aa-query-token "id_token"))
(url-request-method "POST")
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Content-Type" .
;; Dummy authorization so that
;; `url-http-handle-authentication'
;; doesn't keep trying.
("Authorization" .
(url-request-data (url-build-query-string
`(("id_token" ,id-token)))))
(let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously
(concat aa-query-subscription-url "?action=" action))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
(let ((status (buffer-local-value 'url-http-response-status buffer))
(decoded (condition-case nil
(json-parse-buffer :false-object nil
:null-object nil
:array-type 'list
:object-type 'alist)
(json-end-of-file (error "aa-query--subscription: server error")))))
(prog1 decoded
(unless (eq 200 status)
(error "aa-query--subscription: http status %s" status)))))
(when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(kill-buffer buffer))))))
(defvar aa-query--package-names nil "For `completing-read'")
(defun aa-query-get-package-names ()
(unless aa-query--package-names
(setq aa-query--package-names
(cl-some (lambda (obj) (alist-get 'package_names obj))
(aa-query--get-dance :package-names t))))
(defmacro aa-query--to-spec (dance)
"Convert ((SPEC . ALIST)...) to (NAME . PLIST)."
(declare (indent defun))
`(when-let ((alist (cl-some (lambda (obj)
(alist-get 'spec obj))
(name-pair (assq 'name alist))
(nameless-alist (cl-remove-if
(apply-partially #'equal name-pair) alist))
(plist (json-parse-string (json-encode nameless-alist)
:false-object nil
:null-object nil
:array-type 'list
:object-type 'plist)))
(cons (cdr name-pair) plist)))
(cl-defun aa-query-get-spec (name &aux (name (if (symbolp name)
(symbol-name name)
"Like `aa-query-get-spec-by-url' but key off NAME.
Primary entry to specs outside aa-disc."
(let ((spec (aa-query--to-spec (aa-query--get-dance :name name))))
(cond (spec spec)
((package-built-in-p (intern name)) nil)
(t aa-query-prospective-spec))))
(defun aa-query-get-name-by-url (url)
"Ask shmelpa for repo name given URL."
(cl-some (lambda (obj)
(alist-get 'name obj))
(aa-query--get-dance :only-name url)))
(defun aa-query-get-spec-by-url (url)
"Like `aa-query-get-spec' but key off URL.
Primarily called from aa-disc."
(aa-query--to-spec (aa-query--get-dance :url url)))
(defun aa-query--get-dance (&rest args)
(catch 'done
(dotimes (_i 2)
(let ((result
(cl-destructuring-bind (code . buffer)
(apply #'aa-query--do-get args)
(cl-case (/ code 100)
(4 (if (y-or-n-p "Open browser to permission All Access? ")
(when (aa-query-hosted-ui-flow)
(cl-destructuring-bind (code* . buffer*)
(apply #'aa-query--do-get args)
(setq code code*
buffer (prog1 buffer* (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(kill-buffer buffer))))))
(user-error "That's too bad")))
(5 (error "Server error. Contact")))
(if (= 2 (/ code 100))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
(cl-loop for response = (condition-case nil
(json-parse-buffer :false-object nil
:null-object nil
:array-type 'list
:object-type 'alist)
(json-end-of-file nil))
while response
for prompt = (if (alist-get 'lapsed response)
"Re-up subscription? "
(when (alist-get 'trial_eligible response)
"Initiate free trial? "))
if (aa-squirrel-tokens response)
return 'again
else if prompt
return (prog1 'again
(when (or (not (y-or-n-p prompt))
(not (aa-query-checkout)))
(user-error "That's too bad")))
else collect response
(error "aa-query--get-dance %s"
(if (bound-and-true-p url-http-end-of-headers)
(when (buffer-live-p buffer)
(kill-buffer buffer))))))
(unless (eq result 'again)
(throw 'done result))))))
(cl-defun aa-query--do-get (&key only-name name url package-names &allow-other-keys)
"Return cons of response code and buffer response.
Caller must clean it up."
(let* (url-registered-auth-schemes
(access-token (aa-query-token "access_token"))
(id-token (aa-query-token "id_token"))
(url-request-method "POST")
(url-request-extra-headers `(("Content-Type" .
;; Dummy authorization so that
;; `url-http-handle-authentication'
;; doesn't keep trying.
("Authorization" .
(url-request-data (url-build-query-string
`(,@(when name
(list `("name" ,name)))
,@(when url
(list `("url" ,url)))
,@(when package-names
(list '("package_names")))
,@(when only-name
(list `("only_name" ,only-name)))
,@(when access-token
(list `("access_token" ,access-token)))
,@(when id-token
(list `("id_token" ,id-token)))
("redirect_uri" ,aa-query-redirect-url)))))
(let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously aa-query-spec-url)))
(cons (buffer-local-value 'url-http-response-status buffer) buffer))))
(provide 'aa-query)
;; (equal (aa-query-get-spec "org") (aa-query-get-spec-by-url ""))
;;; aa-query.el ends here