
93 lines
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Scenario: start gnus
Given gnus start
And I dump buffer
Scenario: gnus-demon-scan-news while summary buffer open, then auto-rescore upon quitting summary buffer
Given of-record unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 94
When I go to word "nnhackernews:news"
And I press "RET"
Then I should be in buffer "*Summary nnhackernews:news*"
And I press "C-k"
Then prospective unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 93
And I scan news
And I switch to buffer "*Summary nnhackernews:news*"
Then of-record unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 187
And prospective unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 93
And I press "q"
Then I should be in buffer "*Group*"
Then of-record unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 186
And I scan news
Then of-record unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 280
When I go to word "nnhackernews:news"
And I press "RET"
Then I should be in buffer "*Summary nnhackernews:news*"
And I go to word "DoreenMich"
And I press "C-k"
And prospective unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 273
And I scan news
When I go to word "nnhackernews:news"
And I press "RET"
Then prospective unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 273
And of-record unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 312
And I press "q"
And I dump buffer
Then of-record unreads for "nnhackernews:news" is 303
Scenario: reply not having logged in yet
When I go to word "nnhackernews:news"
And I press "RET"
Then I should be in buffer "*Summary nnhackernews:news*"
And I go to word "LeifCarrot"
And I press "r"
Then I should be in buffer "*unsent followup to LeifCarrotson on news*"
And I type "This is a test."
And I press "C-c C-c"
And I switch to buffer "*sent followup to LeifCarrotson on news*"
Then I should be in buffer "*sent followup to LeifCarrotson on news*"
Scenario: delete
When I switch to buffer "*Summary nnhackernews:news*"
And I press "c y"
Then I should be in buffer "*Group*"
And I scan news
When I go to word "nnhackernews:news"
And I press "RET"
Then I should be in buffer "*Summary nnhackernews:news*"
And I go to word "dickmao"
And I press "RET"
And I press "S c"
Scenario: vote (and login) and reply having already logged in
Then I should be in buffer "*Summary nnhackernews:news*"
And I go to word "ceejayoz"
And I press "RET"
And I press "R ="
And I press "C-x o"
Then I should see "Score: 0 +1"
And I press "R 0"
Then I should not see "Score: 0 +1"
When I switch to buffer "*Summary nnhackernews:news*"
And I press "r"
Then I should be in buffer "*unsent followup to ceejayoz on news*"
And I type "This is a test."
And I press "C-c C-c"
And I switch to buffer "*sent followup to ceejayoz on news*"
Then I should be in buffer "*sent followup to ceejayoz on news*"
Scenario: submit a text which must be titled
When I switch to buffer "*Summary nnhackernews:news*"
And I press "a t"
Then I should be in buffer "*unsent posting on news*"
And I type "test baby test baby 123"
And I press "M->"
And I type "this is a test"
And I press "C-c C-c"
When I switch to buffer "*Messages*"
Then I should not see "Couldn't send message via news"