Cannot open load file for json-rpc #76

opened 2021-03-15 12:24:08 +00:00 by fiddleyuan · 4 comments
fiddleyuan commented 2021-03-15 12:24:08 +00:00 (Migrated from

I couldn't load nnreddit, so I followed the instruction to run make test-run-interactive, and finally gave me a Lisp error:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "json-rpc")
eval-buffer(#<buffer load> nil "/usr2/fiddle/temp/nnreddit/lisp/nnreddit.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 1532
load-with-code-conversion("/usr2/fiddle/temp/nnreddit/lisp/nnreddit.el" "/usr2/fiddle/temp/nnreddit/lisp/nnreddit.el" nil t)
gnus-get-function((nnreddit "") server-opened)
gnus-server-opened((nnreddit ""))
gnus-1(nil nil nil)
funcall-interactively(gnus nil)
call-interactively(gnus nil nil)
command-line-1(("--eval" "(custom-set-variables (quote (gnus-select-method (..." "--eval" "(setq debug-on-error t)" "--eval" "(fset (quote gnus-y-or-n-p) (function ignore))" "-f" "gnus"))

Apparently, nnreddit cannot fine json-rpc. But I found in my emacs elpa folder that json-rpc-20200417.1629 folder has been created already.

I've tried to put the following in my init.el file:

(use-package json-rpc)
(use-package nnreddit
:after json-rpc
(setq nnreddit-python-command "python3.5"))

But I got the same error. I am very new to Emacs community, any help will be appreciated, thanks!

I couldn't load nnreddit, so I followed the instruction to run make test-run-interactive, and finally gave me a Lisp error: > Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "json-rpc") require(json-rpc) eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*> nil "/usr2/fiddle/temp/nnreddit/lisp/nnreddit.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 1532 load-with-code-conversion("/usr2/fiddle/temp/nnreddit/lisp/nnreddit.el" "/usr2/fiddle/temp/nnreddit/lisp/nnreddit.el" nil t) require(nnreddit) gnus-get-function((nnreddit "") server-opened) gnus-server-opened((nnreddit "")) gnus-start-news-server(nil) gnus-1(nil nil nil) gnus(nil) funcall-interactively(gnus nil) call-interactively(gnus nil nil) command-execute(gnus) command-line-1(("--eval" "(custom-set-variables (quote (gnus-select-method (..." "--eval" "(setq debug-on-error t)" "--eval" "(fset (quote gnus-y-or-n-p) (function ignore))" "-f" "gnus")) command-line() normal-top-level() Apparently, nnreddit cannot fine json-rpc. But I found in my emacs elpa folder that json-rpc-20200417.1629 folder has been created already. I've tried to put the following in my init.el file: > (use-package json-rpc) (use-package nnreddit :after json-rpc :init (setq nnreddit-python-command "python3.5")) But I got the same error. I am very new to Emacs community, any help will be appreciated, thanks!
dickmao commented 2021-03-15 13:19:56 +00:00 (Migrated from


emacs -Q --batch -f package-initialize --eval "(progn (add-to-list (quote package-archives) (quote (\"melpa\" . \"\"))) (dolist (pkg '(nnreddit json-rpc)) (let ((desc (cadr (assq pkg package-alist)))) (when desc (package-delete desc t)))) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install (quote nnreddit)) (princ (if (locate-library \"json-rpc\") \"all good gemer\n\" \"all bad gemer\n\") #'external-debugging-output))"

It should say "all good" at the end.

Diagnostic: ``` emacs -Q --batch -f package-initialize --eval "(progn (add-to-list (quote package-archives) (quote (\"melpa\" . \"\"))) (dolist (pkg '(nnreddit json-rpc)) (let ((desc (cadr (assq pkg package-alist)))) (when desc (package-delete desc t)))) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install (quote nnreddit)) (princ (if (locate-library \"json-rpc\") \"all good gemer\n\" \"all bad gemer\n\") #'external-debugging-output))" ``` It should say "all good" at the end.
fiddleyuan commented 2021-03-15 15:44:55 +00:00 (Migrated from


emacs -Q --batch -f package-initialize --eval "(progn (add-to-list (quote package-archives) (quote (\"melpa\" . \"\"))) (dolist (pkg '(nnreddit json-rpc)) (let ((desc (cadr (assq pkg package-alist)))) (when desc (package-delete desc t)))) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install (quote nnreddit)) (princ (if (locate-library \"json-rpc\") \"all good gemer\n\" \"all bad gemer\n\") #'external-debugging-output))"

It should say "all good" at the end.

> Diagnostic: > > ``` > emacs -Q --batch -f package-initialize --eval "(progn (add-to-list (quote package-archives) (quote (\"melpa\" . \"\"))) (dolist (pkg '(nnreddit json-rpc)) (let ((desc (cadr (assq pkg package-alist)))) (when desc (package-delete desc t)))) (package-refresh-contents) (package-install (quote nnreddit)) (princ (if (locate-library \"json-rpc\") \"all good gemer\n\" \"all bad gemer\n\") #'external-debugging-output))" > ``` > > It should say "all good" at the end.
fiddleyuan commented 2021-03-15 15:52:28 +00:00 (Migrated from

Thanks for the help!

Running your diagnostic give me "all good gemer" at the end.

However, when entering gnus, minibuffer shows nnreddit rpc timeout, and then shows the following:

Warning: nnreddit-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with cod
e 1; nnreddit-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with code 1;
nnreddit-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with code 1; nnr
eddit-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with code 1; nnreddi
t-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with code 1

If I call "nnreddit-goto-group" to enter a group, say r/emacs, it says "nnreddit-goto-group: failed canonical_spelling of emacs"

Thanks for the help! Running your diagnostic give me "all good gemer" at the end. However, when entering gnus, minibuffer shows nnreddit rpc timeout, and then shows the following: > Warning: nnreddit-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with cod\ e 1; nnreddit-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with code 1;\ nnreddit-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with code 1; nnr\ eddit-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with code 1; nnreddi\ t-rpc-call: nnreddit-rpc-request: response timed out; nnreddit-sentinel: process /usr2/fiddle/.virtualenvs/nnreddit-20201130.39-python3.5/bin/python exited abnormally with code 1 If I call "nnreddit-goto-group" to enter a group, say r/emacs, it says "nnreddit-goto-group: failed canonical_spelling of emacs"
dickmao commented 2021-03-15 16:50:16 +00:00 (Migrated from

Well, I think you need to go back to make test-run-interactive and work out why the Reddit API daemon process (written in Python) fails to launch.

M-x list-processes shows the stdout and stderr of the daemon.

Well, I think you need to go back to `make test-run-interactive` and work out why the Reddit API daemon process (written in Python) fails to launch. `M-x list-processes` shows the stdout and stderr of the daemon.
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