
126 lines
4.6 KiB

(When "I kill all rpc processes$"
(lambda ()
(When "I hide tokens$"
(lambda ()
(setq nnreddit--python-module-extra-args '("--token-file" "/dev/null"))))
(When "^eval \"\\(.*\\)\"$"
(lambda (command)
(eval (car (read-from-string command)))))
(When "I unhide tokens$"
(lambda ()
(setq nnreddit--python-module-extra-args nil)))
(When "^rpc \"\\(.*\\)\" returns \"\\(.*\\)\"$"
(lambda (command result)
(should (string= result (nnreddit-rpc-call nil nil command)))))
(When "^I should be in buffer like \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (prefix)
(should (string-prefix-p prefix (buffer-name)))))
(When "^I goto group \"\\(.*\\)\"$"
(lambda (group)
(Given "I start an action chain")
(And "I press \"R g\"")
(And "I type \"%s\"" group)
(And "I execute the action chain")
(Then "I should be in buffer like \"*Summary nnreddit:\"")))
(When "^I go to string \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (string)
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((search (re-search-forward string nil t))
(message "Can not go to string '%s' since it does not exist in the current buffer: %s"))
(cl-assert search nil message string (buffer-string)))
(backward-char (length string))))
(When "^I clear buffer \"\\(.*\\)\"$"
(lambda (buffer)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(When "^I dump buffer"
(lambda () (message "%s" (buffer-string))))
(Then "^protected see message \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (message)
(let ((msg "Expected '%s' to be included in the list of printed messages, but was not."))
(setq message (s-replace "\\\"" "\"" message))
(cl-assert (-contains? (-map (lambda (s) (if (stringp s) (s-trim s) "")) ecukes-message-log) message) nil msg message))))
(When "^gnus \\(try \\)?start\\(\\)$"
(lambda (demote _workaround)
(aif (get-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
(switch-to-buffer it)
(if-demote demote
(When "I call \"gnus\"")
(Then "I should be in buffer \"%s\"" gnus-group-buffer)))))
(When "^gnus stop$"
(lambda ()
(aif (get-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
(progn (switch-to-buffer it)
(And "I press \"q\"")
(switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")))))
(When "^begin recording \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (cassette-prefix)
(should (nnreddit-rpc-call nil nil "recording_begin" cassette-prefix))))
(When "^end recording \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (cassette-prefix)
(should (nnreddit-rpc-call nil nil "recording_end" cassette-prefix))))
(When "^end recordings$"
(lambda ()
(should (nnreddit-rpc-call nil nil "recording_end"))))
(When "^I open latest \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (relative-prefix)
(let* ((prefix (concat (file-name-as-directory gnus-home-directory)
(dir (file-name-directory prefix))
(base (file-name-base prefix))
(directory-files-and-attributes dir t (regexp-quote base) t))
(sofar (cl-first alist))
(most-recent (dolist (cand alist (car sofar))
(if (> (float-time (nth 5 (cdr cand)))
(float-time (nth 5 (cdr sofar))))
(setq sofar cand)))))
(find-file-literally most-recent))))
(When "^I wait \\([.0-9]+\\) seconds?$"
(lambda (seconds)
(sleep-for (string-to-number seconds))))
(When "^I wait for buffer to\\( not\\)? say \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (negate bogey)
(lambda ()
(let* ((says (s-contains? (s-replace "\\n" "\n" bogey) (buffer-string))))
(revert-buffer :ignore-auto :noconfirm)
(if negate (not says) says)))
nil 5000 1000)))
;; (When "^I scuzz \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
;; (lambda (buffer)
;; (let ((v (vconcat [?\C-x ?b] (string-to-vector buffer))))
;; (princ (format "holla %s %s %s" (string-to-vector buffer) v (key-binding buffer)))
;; (execute-kbd-macro (string-to-vector buffer))
;; (execute-kbd-macro v))))
(When "^emacs26 cannot do action chain \"\\(.+\\)\"$"
(lambda (keys)
(let ((vkeys (seq-concatenate 'vector (mapcar #'string-to-char (split-string keys "[ ]")))))
(condition-case err
(execute-kbd-macro vkeys)
(error (message "emacs26 cannot do action chain: %s"
(error-message-string err)))))))