84 lines
2.8 KiB
84 lines
2.8 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# The following is a derivative work of
# https://github.com/praw-dev/praw
# licensed under BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.
from betamax import Betamax
from betamax.cassette.cassette import Placeholder
import functools
import json
import logging
from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs
__recordings__ = {}
def scrub(interaction, current_cassette):
request = interaction.data.get('request') or {}
response = interaction.data.get('response') or {}
# Exit early if the request did not return 200 OK because that's the
# only time we want to look for tokens
if not response or response['status']['code'] != 200:
for what in [r for r in [request, response] if r]:
auths = what['headers'].get('Authorization') or []
for auth in auths:
Placeholder(placeholder='**********', replace=auth)
body_string = what['body']['string']
dikt = json.loads(body_string)
dikt = { k: v[0] for k,v in parse_qs(body_string).items() }
for token in ['access_token', 'refresh_token']:
if token in dikt:
Placeholder(placeholder='**********', replace=dikt[token])
with Betamax.configure() as config:
config.cassette_library_dir = 'tests/cassettes'
def recorded(func):
"""Intercept point for Betamax. As a decorator for an
AuthenticatedReddit method, it disallows reentrant calls to that
method under record_mode: once."""
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
reddit = args[0]
http = reddit._core._requestor._http
# Disable response compression in order to see the response bodies in
# the betamax cassettes.
http.headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "identity"
with Betamax(http).use_cassette(func.__name__):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def recording_begin(reddit, cassette):
if cassette in __recordings__:
raise RuntimeError('Recording {} already in progress!'.format(cassette))
http = reddit._core._requestor._http
# what praw does to prevent compression obscuring response bodies
http.headers["Accept-Encoding"] = "identity"
__recordings__[cassette] = Betamax(http).use_cassette(cassette).__enter__()
def recording_end(cassette=None):
if cassette and cassette not in __recordings__:
raise RuntimeError('Recording {} not in progress!'.format(cassette))
if cassette is None:
[c.__exit__() for c in __recordings__.values()]
del __recordings__[cassette]