226 lines
8.4 KiB
226 lines
8.4 KiB
;;; test-xjupyter.el --- Tests for xjupyter -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2025 commandlinesystems.com
;;; Commentary:
;; Test stuff.
;;; Code:
(require 'xjupyter)
(defun do-command (command)
"eval-expression prin1 results of undo-more."
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'prin1) #'ignore))
(execute-kbd-macro (read-kbd-macro command))
(defun wait-for ()
(goto-char (xjupyter-output-beg (point)))
(while (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "\n"))
(accept-process-output nil 0.5))))
(ert-deftest basic ()
(let ((file (concat (make-temp-name "foo") ".jpr")))
(with-current-buffer (find-file file)
(should jpr-mode))
(set-buffer file)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))
(should (= 1 (length xjupyter--cells)))
(should-error (do-command "M-x undo RET"))
(should (buffer-base-buffer)) ;should be in python
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-kill)
(should (buffer-base-buffer)) ;should remain in python
(should buffer-read-only)
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-append)
(should (buffer-base-buffer)) ;should remain in python
(should-not buffer-read-only)
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-append)
(do-command "M-: (insert \"'b'\")")
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-up)
(do-command "M-: (insert \"print('a\\\\n')\")")
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-evaluate)
(set-mark (line-beginning-position))
(goto-char (line-end-position))
(should (region-active-p))
(should (equal "print('a\\n')"
(buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning)
(should-error (do-command "M-x undo RET"))
(do-command "M-x undo RET")
(do-command "M-: (undo-more SPC 1)")
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "\n"))
(= 1 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))))
(let (kill-buffer-query-functions)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))))
(ert-deftest move ()
(let ((file (concat (make-temp-name "foo") ".jpr")))
(with-current-buffer (find-file file)
(should jpr-mode))
(set-buffer file)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))
(should (= 1 (xjupyter--base-buffer (length xjupyter--cells))))
(do-command "M-: (insert \"'a'\")")
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-evaluate)
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-append)
(do-command "M-: (insert \"'b'\")")
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-evaluate)
(move-beginning-of-line nil)
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'b'"))
(= 1 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))))
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-move-up)
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'b'"))
(= 0 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))))
(do-command "M-x undo RET")
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'b'"))
(= 1 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))))
(do-command "M-x undo RET")
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'b'"))
(= 0 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))))
(let (kill-buffer-query-functions)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))))
(ert-deftest split-merge ()
(let ((file (concat (make-temp-name "foo") ".jpr")))
(with-current-buffer (find-file file)
(should jpr-mode))
(set-buffer file)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))
(do-command "M-: (insert \"'a'\")")
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-evaluate RET")
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-append RET")
(do-command "M-: (insert \"'b'\")")
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-evaluate RET")
(should-error (do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-merge RET"))
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-up RET")
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-merge RET")
(should-error (do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-merge RET"))
(re-search-forward "'b'")
(call-interactively #'move-beginning-of-line)
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-split RET")
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'b'"))
(= 1 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))))
(do-command "M-x undo RET")
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'a'"))
(= 0 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))
(= 1 (xjupyter--base-buffer (length xjupyter--cells)))))
(do-command "M-: (undo-more SPC 1)") ;undo merge
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'a'"))
(= 0 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))
(= 2 (xjupyter--base-buffer (length xjupyter--cells)))))
(do-command "M-: (undo-more SPC 1)") ;undo 'b'
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "\n"))
(= 1 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))
(= 2 (xjupyter--base-buffer (length xjupyter--cells)))))
(do-command "M-: (undo-more SPC 1)") ;undo append
(should (and (eq (point) (point-max))
(= 1 (xjupyter--base-buffer (length xjupyter--cells)))))
(do-command "M-: (undo-more SPC 1)") ;undo 'a'
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "\n"))
(= 0 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))
(= 1 (xjupyter--base-buffer (length xjupyter--cells)))))
(let (kill-buffer-query-functions)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))))
(ert-deftest kill-yank ()
(let ((file (concat (make-temp-name "foo") ".jpr")))
(with-current-buffer (find-file file)
(should jpr-mode))
(set-buffer file)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))
(do-command "M-: (insert \"'a'\")")
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-evaluate RET")
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-append RET")
(do-command "M-: (insert \"'b'\")")
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-evaluate RET")
(should-error (do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-yank RET"))
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-kill RET")
(should (= 1 (xjupyter--base-buffer (length xjupyter--cells))))
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-up RET")
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-kill RET")
(should (= 0 (xjupyter--base-buffer (length xjupyter--cells))))
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-yank RET")
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'a'"))
(= 0 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))))
(let ((advice (lambda (&rest _args)
(setq last-command 'xjupyter-cell-yank-pop))))
(add-function :before (symbol-function 'xjupyter-cell-yank-pop) advice)
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-yank-pop RET")
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'b'"))
(= 0 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))))
(do-command "M-x xjupyter-cell-yank-pop RET")
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'a'"))
(= 0 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point))))))
(do-command "M-x undo RET")
(should (and (looking-at-p (regexp-quote "'b'"))
(= 0 (xjupyter--insertion-index
(xjupyter-cell-floor (point)))))))
(remove-function (symbol-function 'xjupyter-cell-yank-pop) advice)))
(let (kill-buffer-query-functions)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))))
(ert-deftest image ()
(let ((file (concat (make-temp-name "foo") ".jpr")))
(with-current-buffer (find-file file)
(should jpr-mode))
(set-buffer file)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))
(let* ((code "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
X = range(10)
plt.plot(X, [x*x for x in X])
(kbd-macro (replace-regexp-in-string
(regexp-quote "\n")
(regexp-quote " ") " SPC " code))))
(do-command (format "M-: (insert \"%s\")" kbd-macro)))
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-evaluate)
(goto-char (xjupyter-output-beg (point)))
(should-not (get-text-property (point) 'display))
(should (looking-at-p xjupyter--image-regexp)))
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-toggle-output)
(should (get-text-property (xjupyter-output-beg (point)) 'display))
(call-interactively #'xjupyter-cell-toggle-output)
(should-not (get-text-property (xjupyter-output-beg (point)) 'display))
(let (kill-buffer-query-functions)
(should-not (file-exists-p file))))
(provide 'test-xjupyter)
;;; test-xjupyter.el ends here